Editor: For about 28 years, The Salvation Army of Loudoun has fought poverty in our community. Every day, more and more people have come to The Salvation Army of Loudoun asking for our help.

As we are approaching what appears to be a very challenging and cold winter, can you imagine having no power for heat or for cooking in your home? Many of our clients are facing that reality. Our clients need support with utility bills, diapers, clothing, and emergency food assistance. We do not expect that the need for our help—and our hope—will slow down anytime soon. 

It was critically important to us to conduct an over-the-top Angel Tree program. That we did. We want to thank all the donors and volunteers who made the Christmas season happy and bright for almost 1,400 children from 634 families who received Christmas gifts through our Angel Tree and Sheetz for the Kids programs. We calculated that our community was able to provide 5,580 items of clothing and 6,975 toys. The Salvation Army of Loudoun County’s Angel Tree program is superbly well run and managed by three amazing volunteers along with our staff. More importantly, close to 111 devoted volunteers provided 522 hours of service in our distribution center to assist with the organization and the distribution of the presents. I also want to express our appreciation to Rappaport Management Company at the Village at Leesburg, which donated the site to us. To My Guys Moving, which donated their vehicles and staff to pick up and deliver thousands of gifts to the distribution center. More than 40 businesses, lots of individuals, the faith community, HOA’s, Toys for Tots, and civic organizations contributed incredible gifts to support the children we knew would not have had gifts for Christmas. Our community’s outpouring of kindness was extraordinary.

The Salvation Army’s iconic Red Kettle campaign ran from mid-November to Christmas. Kettles were located at Giant, Safeway, Sam’s Club, Hobby Lobby, and Walmart stores in Loudoun. We are very grateful to the many volunteers who manned the kettle, our Kettle Partners, AND to those who filled our kettles with donations. Thank you. Every dollar we raise stays here in our community and directly supports our Emergency Assistance program.

My wife, Major Robin, and I have faithfully served the Salvation Army for about 23 years. We started our service in the Loudoun Corps in June. We quickly discovered how generous this community is to those who are less fortunate. Rest assured, your incredible support is phenomenal, and we are extremely grateful. With the help of generous donors and volunteers, The Salvation Army embodied their Christmas theme, “Hope Marches On.”  We are truly blessed and humbled by our community’s generosity. Your support makes so much possible.

Learn more about the work that The Salvation Army of Loudoun does throughout the year at loudoun.salvationarmypotomac.org

A hearty thanks for all you have provided. Have a blessed 2024.

Major George Hackbarth

Salvation Army of Loudoun

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(1) comment


Hundreds of families in Loudoun live in abject poverty. (We often forget that fact because Loudoun is such a wealthy county.) Thank you Major Hackbarth for helping to make the holidays brighter for so many needy families. Happy MLK Day Loudoun!

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