Danville’s Salvation Army couple immersed in programs to deepen community connections

Feb 22, 2022

he best part of doing ministry together is you get to know your spouse in a very different way, and you get to see the love outpoured everyday into the community," Shawnte Hodges said as she glanced at her husband, Antonio.

The couple — ages 33 and 35 respectively — are the leading lights of the local Salvation Army corps and head ministers at the church and community center located on Henry Street in Danville. Though occupying their station for less than a year, they are already infusing new energy, passion and innovation into the local ministry and its various constituent programs.

Antonio and Shawnte Hodges joined the Danville community in late June 2021. They were commissioned to steer the local corps as part of the Salvation Army's policy of rotating leadership every three to five years.

"One of the big things about officership is that you never know where you are going to end up … We are so glad to be back home in Virginia," Antonio said. "We feel very welcomed and very loved — right from the start." more

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