Salvation Army to Open “House of Hope” Providing Day Services for Cambridge’s Homeless

Feb 16, 2022

CAMBRIDGE, Md. – It may look like a run-of-the-mill house, but it is anything but that.

Captain Wendy Parsons says the finishing touches are being put on the “House of Hope.”

“Some of the things that aren’t necessarily available all over Cambridge. And they won’t have to do all the walking. It’s already on the property that they know as the homeless shelter,” Captain Parsons said.

Captain Parsons says the need for this day services center was realized during the pandemic.

“When the library shut down that was a huge resource that was no longer available to them. It’s open now and some of our folks do still go there but we also have the issue of folks who can’t get around. They can’t ambulate as well,” the Captain said.


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